Thursday, April 25, 2013


Most of this blog is me talking at you.  Now, you can talk for me.  Namely, pray for me.  Making this thing reciprocal- what an idea!

I'm going on a men's hike with my church tomorrow, and I'm stoked.  Please pray for me to meet with the Lord, receive healing and joy, and to rest well in His grace, something I'm re-learning to do yet again.  I feel like I'm growing, as a dear friend used to say, but on a spiraling trajectory. I hit the same things over and over again, but with slightly greater understanding and growth.  Namely- insecurities, self-righteousness, pride, control.  And yet I give them over, or try to, again. Pray that I would let all of them go, again, in the next few days.

Pray for wisdom, discernment, and joy in Him.  I'm pumped.  Turkey Pen, here I come.

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