Saturday, May 16, 2015

Christ the Remedy

How can the sinner, born in darkness,
enter into perfect light?
When the Rad'iance bore our shadow
how the Son erased our night!

How can the sinner, ever lawless,
ever receive righteousness?
When the Judge was declared guilty-
how He justified the wretch!

How can the sinner, self-enslaving,
come to live in liberty?
When the Firstborn paid our ransom-
how His chains did set us free!

How can the sinner, satan's offspring,
be known as a child of God?
When God the Son worked our adoption-
how He called us daughters, sons!

How can the sinner, dead of spirit,
enter life eternally?
When Eternal Life died for us-
how death's winter turned to spring!

Jesus Christ, the Remedy,
my every ailment healed;
there is no brokenness too great
for all the love You have revealed.

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